Online Chat with a Genealogist

Virtual Event

Our expert family historians are here to answer your questions about genealogy and local history! When chat is open, find and click the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of this page, then enter your message in the chat box and one of our genealogists will respond.

Online Chat with a Genealogist

Virtual Event

Our expert family historians are here to answer your questions about genealogy and local history! When chat is open, find and click the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of this page, then enter your message in the chat box and one of our genealogists will respond.

Ancestry Days: Visualizing 1692 Salem

The Daniels House 1 Daniels St, Salem, MA

Explore 1692 Salem with an Architectural Historian for Salem Ancestry Days. We'll take a tour of The Daniels House, an original 1667 mansion, to understand their architecture before walking around Salem’s oldest neighborhood to see how echoes of the frontier environment survive today.

Who’s in the Frame? Phillips Family Home Movies with Historic New England

Stephen Phillips captured family moments and travel with his home movies. Learn about the Phillips family and the privilege and technology that made these moments possible in a screening and talk presented by Historic New England and Harmony Grove Cemetery. Enjoy a stroll through the cemetery following the screening. Following the screening, take a leisurely...

Narbonne House Open House

Narbonne House 73 Essex Street, Salem

Explore the Narbonne House at Salem Maritime NHS and learn from the staff and how they are using oral history and genealogical information to tell the stories of 300 years of residence in this historical home.

Ancestry Days: Visualizing 1692 Salem

The Daniels House 1 Daniels St, Salem, MA

Explore 1692 Salem with an Architectural Historian for Salem Ancestry Days. We'll take a tour of The Daniels House, an original 1667 mansion, to understand their architecture before walking around Salem’s oldest neighborhood to see how echoes of the frontier environment survive today.

Discovering More About Your Salem Maritime Ancestors

Salem Armory Visitor Center 2 New Liberty St, Salem, MA

Enjoy Salem Ancestry Days with this free in-person presentation! Join genealogist Stephen Hartwell on a voyage of discovery as he unearths fascinating records about the seafaring men of Essex County in the 19th century. He will use his own Hartwell seamen as examples, one who became a sea captain and one who committed mutiny! You...

Preservation Roadshow!

First Church 316 Essex Street, Salem, MA

Consult with experts about how best to preserve and store your family photographs, books, and documents–for free! Visitors are invited to bring items (or photographs of them) for review. Hosted by the Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum, in collaboration with American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society. Walk-ins are welcome.

Salem’s Remond Family: The Next Generations’ Connections to Newport & Providence

Hamilton Hall 9 Chestnut Street, Salem

Join Hamilton Hall and Harmony Grove Cemetery for a joint Salem Ancestry Days event on Sunday, April 23 at 4:00PM. This lecture explores the genealogy and legacy of prominent 19th- and 20th-century African-American New England families. Our speakers are Theresa Guzman Stokes and Keith Stokes of the 1696 Heritage Group. The Stokes will together draw connections...

Salem Ancestry Days Exhibitor Fair

Event Series Salem Ancestry Days Exhibitor Fair
Salem Armory Visitor Center 2 New Liberty St, Salem, MA

Please join us in learning how to get started with your gemology journey with our robust selection of exhibitors. Chat with genealogists about Salem's specific genealogical history and how you connect.   Our Exhibitors Include:  American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society Col. Timothy Pickering Chapter, NSDAR The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter...

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