Researching Military Records

Salem Armory Visitor Center 2 New Liberty St, Salem, MA

Meet staff from the Massachusetts National Guard Historical Services at the Salem Armory Visitor Center and learn about what information can be found in military records, and where to find those records.

Narbonne House Open House

Narbonne House 73 Essex Street, Salem

Explore the Narbonne House at Salem Maritime NHS and learn from the staff and how they are using oral history and genealogical information to tell the stories of 300 years of residence in this historical home.

Discovering More About Your Salem Maritime Ancestors

Salem Armory Visitor Center 2 New Liberty St, Salem, MA

Enjoy Salem Ancestry Days with this free in-person presentation! Join genealogist Stephen Hartwell on a voyage of discovery as he unearths fascinating records about the seafaring men of Essex County in the 19th century. He will use his own Hartwell seamen as examples, one who became a sea captain and one who committed mutiny! You...

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