Ancestry Days: Visualizing 1692 Salem

The Daniels House 1 Daniels St, Salem, MA

Explore 1692 Salem with an Architectural Historian for Salem Ancestry Days. We'll take a tour of The Daniels House, an original 1667 mansion, to understand their architecture before walking around Salem’s oldest neighborhood to see how echoes of the frontier environment survive today.

Ancestry Days: Visualizing 1692 Salem

The Daniels House 1 Daniels St, Salem, MA

Explore 1692 Salem with an Architectural Historian for Salem Ancestry Days. We'll take a tour of The Daniels House, an original 1667 mansion, to understand their architecture before walking around Salem’s oldest neighborhood to see how echoes of the frontier environment survive today.

Ancestry Days: Visualizing 1692 Salem

The Daniels House 1 Daniels St, Salem, MA

Explore 1692 Salem with an Architectural Historian for Salem Ancestry Days. We'll take a tour of The Daniels House, an original 1667 mansion, to understand their architecture before walking around Salem’s oldest neighborhood to see how echoes of the frontier environment survive today.

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